Getting From Here To There - A Roadmap From Law To Grace For The LGBT Community
Getting From Here To There – A Roadmap From Law To Grace For The LGBT Community C. Lee Gibson

Often hurled at the LGBT Community is this concept of sin without a hint of grace. But Christianity is supposed to be all about grace, not a bunch of rules. All anyone seems to hear about is the law, but Jesus did not die so that we could have more laws! He died so that we could have GRACE!

Most Christians step over their own Christian beliefs, lose their religion as it were, when the topic of homosexuality is discussed. With their eye focused on the law, they lose site of grace and what Christianity is really about.

The members of the LGBT Community are the ones wounded most, but those who leave aside grace and uphold law are damaged as well.

False doctrine is dangerous to everyone. We must put our eyes back on Jesus,  not the Law of Moses, and walk in the light of the truth of God’s Word, regardless of our own pet  doctrines, beliefs, feelings, thoughts or opinions on the matter.

And SOMEONE needs to be sharing the Gospel’s good news of hope and grace with the LGBT Community.

This book provides a roadmap from Law t0 Grace and explains how here is not there, never has been, and never can be for all of us, gay or straight.

Pick it up today along with my other books on Amazon! Getting From Here To There – A Roadmap From Law To Grace For The LGBT Community

As my way of saying thank you for picking up this book I am including a free book I think you will enjoy.


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